AgraStrip® Pro LFD Allergen Testing Kits
AgraStrip® Pro LFD Allergen Testing Kits
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The AgraStrip® Pro test kit is a lateral flow device (LFD) designed for the on-site detection of allergens in raw materials, finished food products, beverages, rinse waters and environmental samples. They allow simple, rapid and reliable qualitative detection of allergens.
- AgraStrip® Pro allergen test kits represent a fast and easy-to-use solution for on-site allergen detection. These state-of-the-art lateral flow devices (LFDs) deliver accurate results in just 11 minutes, including extraction time, making them an ideal choice for fast-paced environments.
- Available tests:
Almond - Cashew (Cashew Nut) - Hazelnut - Beta-Lactoglobulin - Casein - Coconut Crustaceans - Gluten - Egg-Milk - Lysozyme - Lupin - Peanut - Mustard - Walnut - Brazil Nut - Macadamia Nut - Pistachio - Sesame - Soy - For more information consulthere