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Erler Zimmer

Sheep model, 12 pieces, 2/3 natural size

Sheep model, 12 pieces, 2/3 natural size

Tiempo de despacho: ?

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Scale model of a sheep on a base, approximately 2/3 of its natural size. It can be divided into at least 12 separate body parts and organs. The model presents the details of the external and internal anatomy, including the muscular structure of the sheep on one side, while the external structure is visible on the other. It is possible to divide the entire model into a sagittal section, thanks to which the internal structure of the animal's thorax and the organs of the digestive, reproductive and excretory systems are shown and can be disassembled and taken apart into parts.


  • 2 halves of the body, divisible in the sagittal section:

    - stomach (2 pieces),
    - small and large intestine
    - heart (2 parts)
    - liver with spleen
    - a limb
    - lung,
    - 2-part uterus (reproductive system),
    - rectum, bladder, excretory system

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